Rcafe Overall
The winning design of an in-house competition at the Royal College of Art for the student coffee bar includes a lounge, games area and even a hairdresser. The distinct areas and uses are created within the space through the arrangement of furniture and lighting specially designed for the space. Inspired by the idea of the ready-made and with a playful touch, the Plate Light low wall light uses the RCA canteen plate as a light shade, simply held within a wire frame. Two ceiling tracks holding a series of Wedgewood cups fitted with halogen lamps become Cup Lights, adjustable with the cup handle. Standard sofa frames are reconfigured to create new seating types Back-to-Back chair and Rocking Sofa. Cast concrete coffee tables act as anchors to the seating configurations in the lounge area. The serving bar, constructed from ply and translucent resin and fibreglass sheet, was designed as an architectural lantern casting a warm glow over the room.
Back To Back Sofa
Concrete Table
Plate Light Front Square
Cuplight2 Square
Plate Light Hand
Cuplight Hand
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